Enrichment Services
Mustard Seed Sanity
As inspiration moves me, I will share my “heart thoughts” to help cultivate your closeness & connection with our Lord.
Breath: We all feel anxious and out of sorts at various times… and often I am in this place too much! A good tool I use to calm my soul and bring me into a place of surrender is using a “breath prayer.” It is 1 or 2 words I repeat in my head or out loud to connect to Truth, serenity and the peace of God. (Even if it’s deeply buried.) As you breath in, recite the first word… and then as you breath out recite the second word. If it’s one word, you simply split it in half so you can say part on the inhale and part with the exhale. Here are some examples: Peace now - Be still - Let go - Re-lease -En-joy - Be calm. You get the idea. You can work with the breath prayer until you feel a sense of tranquility. Many times we can’t change a situation, but we can change how we feel about it and reduce our fear, anger, worry, and sadness. I have found if I can change my attitude about what’s happening, I often realize the burden is not as heavy or a solution may arise. We have all been blessed with the ability to slow down and re-center… to withdraw and connect with our internal soft place. (We just have to have a willingness to see things in a better light.) Create a breath prayer and let it soothe, relax and rearrange your thoughts for a better day.
Connection: Life is messy. Our days are full of “to dos,” and from the moment our feet hit the floor till we lay down at night we’re going, going, going. I am so grateful for the “God tools” we have to keep us slow down and connect to our Lord and blessings. Recognizing the Lord in our day is not only powerful but helpful. It dawned on me one day that I would have my quiet time in the morning, and after leaving that “sweet spot” I didn’t connect with the Lord or look for him in my activities. I felt something was missing. With wanting my faith to be stronger, I dediced to become intentional about looking for Him in the highs and lows. I prayed about what to do, and was given the inspiration to select a scripture that spoke to me so I could recite it (in my head or aloud) to feel His sacredness; to feel connected. (I know we all have special scriptures that are part of our lives, but I needed to use ONE that spoke Truth in my heart and would speak remind me every day He is in my minutes.) Each time I would recall His “promise” my joy increased because I remembered He is always with me. God said He would never leave us or forsake us (Deu 31:8); and what a wonderful thing this is. I use a scripture piece to remind myself I always have a friend available to listen, guide, help, and love me. For now, this is my personal God breathed scripture: I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you, and watch over you. Ps 32:8. Why not look for your special piece of God’s Word to join the rhythms of abiding, delighting and dwelling in Him?
An Encourager: Each day we have the opportunity to encourage someone. The thing about giving of ourselves… is we get help in return. When I start my day thinking - who can I pray for? who needs a card? who shall I text to lift him or her up? (Maybe even a phone call? Imagine that!) The focus stops being about me. The Lord says we are to encourage one another and build one another up. Thess 5:11. Truly, this process allows for creativity… as you can pick and choose how to bring joy to someone. The next time you’re at the Dollar Tree look for stickers you can put on a note to lift someone’s spirit. I am big on “Happy Mail.” I send a card, or a piece of art with a short note to bring a smile. How about cheering up the mail person, the doctor, the pastor? You can get really bold when you send a piece of mail anonymously. If we all took the time to encourage others we could possibly change environments, thoughts, and situations. This could be your new hobby. Enjoy!
Strength: Every time the flesh (our ego/soul) tries to bring us pain… by being impatient, judgmental, angry, insulting, selfish, asleep (not aware of what’s the best for us) we need to remember the strength He’s given us, by choosing to respond differently. A good example of this for me is when I am upset, I gravitate toward feeling better by eating food that brings instant pleasure. In reality this isn’t what I want… but it’s quick. What I really want (down deep) is to feel good by taking care of myself physically and mentally. Also, there are instances when my flesh wants me to be right instead of kind. Why do I feel the need to correct and instruct someone when I am offended by what I judge as someone being rude or uncaring? Why does it feel good to “set her/him straight?” The strength we have is that we can CHOOSE to be kind to ourselves and others. We can CHOOSE to take another path. We can CHOOSE to be the way Christ would have us be. If I will slow down and remember I can say no to the flesh so I can say yes to the fullness of God… I feel powerful and strong. There is great strength in choosing wisely, even when our flesh is screaming of us to eat that unhealthy food, tell someone off, or shrink back from our responsibility. For me, the key to leaning into my self-control is slowing down and taking a moment to realize I have a choice, rather than having a “knee jerk reaction.” The next time you are tempted to lash out or make an unheathy decision, remember you are powerful, where that power comes from… and use it. Somewhere I read “I can do all things through Christ, who strenthens me.” Speak this Truth to yourself… it really does help.
Trust: What we see will violate what we know, unless what we know dictates what we see. ~Lysa TerKeurst
If you’re like me, you love surety,,, knowing what’s going to happen because you have “planned.” When things go a different, disappointing route we have to Trust that the Lord is there and the course direction is for a reason. This is very difficult for me. Often when my day is turned upside down, I have no other choice but to rest in the peace of knowing there is good in the upset, If I can just get quiet and remember He wants the best for me… I feel better. (Even if it takes me hours before I surrender.) The next time your world is turned upside down, latch onto your strength and resite: Not my will… but yours be done. Remember, you have power in your weakness.
Sight: Are you able to see the good when you are in the pit? A lot of times I can’t. My mind is whirling with thoughts of “Why is this happening?” - “How can I change this?” - “Why don’t I feel guided?” It goes on and on. It is helpful for me to know there is a reason for my being in the middle of this situation, and simply give the problem(s) to the Lord. I must trust that he knows of my worry, he hears my prayers, and he knows my frustration. There is something very comforting when we accept he KNOWS and cares! If we can practice releasing and resting in his love we can shift from desperation to determination so we can see things differently. When we are focused on the mess, we miss the miracles.
Really? Have you ever prayed to be wrong? We pray all the time asking the Lord to make a way, change something, give guidance, etc. How about when we pray about a difficult “situation” and the terrible outcome that could happen, we pray that we are wrong. We are often in fear of an outcome… and I get that. However, I think we would feel better if we prayed that a shift in our thinking happen and we pray (confirm) that we are willing to be wrong and let Him take charge. (He will anyway.) Maybe we should live with the idea it’s right to be wrong!
A Helping Hand: Do you tend to not reach out for help from friends? I know, you say to yourself “they have their own problems… they don’t need to listen to mine.” However, if a friend said that to you, you would protest… stating that you are here for her. Wisdom is having humility enough to reach out for the light (Truth) when the path is dark. I have no idea where we got the idea that we have to handle everything ourselves. The Lord gives us friends and the ability to love them, appreciate them and lean on them when we need strength. Proverbs 27:9 gives this Truth: “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their hearfelt advice.” Your friends (many times) can see your “situation” more clearly, and you can stand on their wisdom. I once heard it said “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you forgot the words.” When you need comfort, reassurance, clarity, vision, encouragement, prayer and love don’t be afraid to ask for it, because in unity there is strength. (Psalm 46:1)
Willing To Be Flexible: Today I was thinking about being flexible and am I willing to surrender so I can receive His best. Of course, some days I am and others I resist. It is getting easier as I experience the joy that comes with not being attached to how things should work out, and WHEN things should happen. When I trust that God wants the best for me and (if I will be open to change) to allow Him to lead the days are better. I would ask you to search your heart and see if you are attached to an outcome or have a defined expectation which may be causing you stress and worry. If so, perhaps consider giving “your plan” over to the Holy Spirit and relax, trust and allow Him to work things out for good. Here’s a comforting scripture: “Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.” Ps 143:8
Remember: I was lamenting the other day to a friend how God had not answered my prayer in the way I thought He should… and I was not pleased. She looked at me and said “ You’re not God.” Really? She was reminding me that He knows better than we, and He is in charge. Honestly I was very disappointed that things did not go as I had prayed… but I did have to remember that I don’t know everything that is going on behind the scenes in the spiritual world; and I need to trust. If I truly believe He wants nothing but the best for me, then I should pray and gladly accept His response. Actually, we have a choice, trust and be content or try to run the show and become frustrated and angry when things don’t go according to our plan. It’s a “no brainer” but for me often it is a challege when I don’t get my way. You know what? The Holy Spirit doesn’t ask for my input before He acts. Remember Isaiah 55:8: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”
Oh Yeah! I was reading a piece today about an elderly lady who worked with a young girl who irritated her, and their personalities were like oil and water. Obviously they did not get along. She negatively judged her… but then got the wake up call “Oh Yeah, this is not how I am not to act.” She began to pray for the coworker, and had peace… as she was doing what she knew she was to do: Love thy neighbor. How easy is it for us to judge another when she doesn’t act as we do, or respond as we would.? For me, it is very easy! Reading this story gave me a check in my spirit so I thought “Oh Yeah'“… do what the Lord would have you do with people who get on your last nerve: Love thy neighbor! If we could all be more compassionate and remember we do not know the person’s whole story… these words will provide comfort: But by the Grace of God go I.
Do What You Can Do: Today at the gym my heart told me “do what you can do.” This was significant because I was wishing I could use more weight with the machines. I realized as long as I was doing what I could do, that was good enough. I have a tendency to think I should always be better (in whatever I am doing). With this thinking, it takes me out of the present and I am not enjoying what I am doing. This thought of do what you can do… lead me to think about that in all that I do. For me, it means to use the abiilties and skills I have to do as much as I am able… and that’s sufficient. God made me unique; and whatever season I am in right now (dealing with a disability, or an emotional/physical pain) I need to just give my best toward all that I do. For example… If I am speaking with someone, give all of me (full attention) - if I am cleaning or cooking, then put as much energy I can toward it. For all of us, if we “do what we CAN do” then we will be the woman God made us to be. I have decided I will be intentional about this “Do What You Can Do” and see if I am giving my moments the best I have. I have a sneaking suspicion I will enjjoy my days more!
Expectation: Each day when you wake, do you run through what has to be done? I think we all do. A great habit to have is to “expect” things to go well, things to be easy, and there to be favor for you. As it’s been said “what you focus on expands.” I realize just because we expect things to fall into place just as we want, they may not… but it sets our minds and course in the right direction if we will expect good outcomes. When we expect the best, we start off the day with joy. We may be dreading a conversation, doctor appointment, meeting, or project… but if we can plant a seed of positive expectation it will go so much better. It’s a way of pre-programming our minds before we have to connect with people or do tasks. A quick prayer affirming that the day will be filled with joy, good direction and strength is a big help. This simple Truth from the Lord helps me when the day seems overwhelming, heavy and tedious: I can do all things through God, who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13) Let’s stand on a promise from Him and EXPECT the best!
Help My Unbelief: You may remember that father in the Bible who asked Jesus for help for his son who was possessed… and Jesus told him “everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father cried out “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” Upon that man’s profession, his son was healed. (Mark 9:24) I am sure you have felt this way; I know I have. I have prayed many prayers for which I have seen no action by the Lord, and I have felt like just giving up. HOWEVER, when I remember what happened in that Bible story, my faith and hope is restored. I remember that when prayers are uttered, that there are things going on in the spirit world that I know nothing about. Our limited vision doesn’t allow us to see how God is working in our lives. It may be in those moments when we sense Him or understand HIm the least, that He is working the most. Trust is a great comforter; and remember God is ALWAYS good… even we when don’t feel it or see it!
Prayer: Prayer is our greatest power at our disposal because it joins our mind with God’s mind. Every time you prayer for your good or someone else’s it aligns with what God wants. You are both on the same page! We don’t need to convince God to deliver our blessings, we need to convice ourselves to accept them. Our Creator is not waiting to answer your prayer until you “deserve it,” or you have done enough good to get Him to respond. In God’s eyes you are lovely and He wants to give you good things. Release the though that you somehow have to “measure up” before your prayers will be answered. Pray and believe He hears and responds. Sometimes it may take a while in the heavenlies before a prayer manifests; but believe that when you pray power is released as you match the good that God has set in motion for you. Positive affirmation is prayer, a positve thought is a prayer. Prayer is not pleding for God to act; it’s knowing we deserve good and allowing it to flow into our lives. Don’t block the glory with negative thoughts by wondering “If” what you pray for will happen. Know that you are worthy of all peace, joy, healing, love, prosperity… and rest in the Truth that comes from allowing Him to love you. Remember, it is done unto as you believe.
Insight: I read something recently that asked “What little sparkles of magic have made your days shine this week?” I thought what a nice thing to think about. Among all the “to dos” and “challenges” perhaps things would be better if we could make it a point to look for the sparkles that brighten our days. What are sparkes? That text from a friend that speaks to your heart, the beautiful bird that visits your feeder, hitting all the lights green getting to your destination, a shared hug from a loved one, the love given to us by our pet(s). They are small moments but can lighten our load if we pay attention and recognize the gifts. Let us pay attention to the pieces of sparkle that show up to bless us. (You might try to find ways to add sparkle to someone else’s day.)
Christian Life Encouragement Coaching
You and I will discuss what is holding you back from living your best life. By your willingness to share what’s on your heart, you will gain hope and encouragement as we explore positive directions to change your situtation. I ask questions to learn your perspective of the challenge(s) and to provide some insight for helpful change. There will be prayer; and we will acknowledge that the Lord is guiding and directing our conversation. (If you choose to use some art supplies to doodle, journal, or draw… I will provide the tools.) By having a willing heart to release fear, anxiety, and discouragement you will move toward peace and joy. (ALL aspects of our meeting will be held in the strictest of confidence.) ““I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8
Sessions (by phone or in person) - 60 minutes - $50